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Jason Weber,  AAc


Jason is devoted to the health and well being of all animals. He is trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine and offers Acupressure and Massage for Equine, Canine, and Feline species, as well all animals and creatures of the world. He was introduced to holistic nutrition while feeding wild wolves a raw species appropriate diet at a sanctuary in Colorado.  While working for an amazing animal trainer at a kennel in Northern California, Jason was able to further his knowledge in animal discipline and behavior. 

Benefits of Acupressure and Massage


These modalities work very well together.  Massage improves the physical aspects of the body: muscle tone, alignment, lymph, blood flow, relaxation and flexibility. Acupressure stimulates the energetic aspects of the body, grounding the nervous system and balancing the Chi, or Life Force. This creates harmony in our body, mind, and spirit.  There is increased longevity, improved digestion, mood, behavior, and connectedness with the world around them.


How Does Acupressure Work?


Acupressure is practiced with a light, medium, or firm touch to stimulate acupressure points along specific energy meridians of the body.  These points act like radio dials that one "tunes into", providing a depressed or full quality to the touch.  Cold and hot spots are indications of blocked Chi, blood, and lymph flow.  Applying safe pressure, or even resting the hand on or slightly above the body, blockages can be shifted, released and the breath open and expanded.  Animals respond very well to Acupressure because their senses are so heightened and present, they can access these energetic areas better than most humans.  I help empower and educate on how to feel, sense, and observe this subtle energy and naturally create a healing bond between you and your animal companion.   


The goal of acupressure and massage is for health maintenance and to recognize an imbalance before it become a greater problem.




"Acupressure is so subtle and powerful,

it is a universal language."


2010 - present

2010 - present

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